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An exciting addition coming soon to the Seaton Hall Gardens… Zodiac Arboretum Pinetum
Explore The Seaton Hall Pendulum Gardens and Acres of Private Woodlands Grounds.
The Gardens here have been called the Pendulum Garden based on a poem.
The poem signifies the eternal rebirth of souls that return to the universe, become part of it, and then perhaps become new life forms later. To this end the Gardens are based upon the escape of souls from this very ancient site with a known timeline of at least 2500-3000 years BC.
This represents 80 generations since Roman times - the site could well have been a Roman farming estate - then 80 generations back to beginning of Druid rule. Thus 160 generations back in time from manor house, Saxon Hall, Roman villa, Iron age and earlier round houses. If each generation comprised at least 6 people - family with workers /servants/staff etc this scales up to 960 - 1920 numbers @ 6 per generation. As the small estate has since time immemorial been around 560 acres, considerably more than 6 per generation will have lived and worked with the manor being their centre.
The Garden represents a hub or portal from which perhaps 10,000 souls have ascended and the Galactic ramp formed from excavating the medieval stew pond represents an exit point. Where souls like a bird flying from a hand would ascend to their final exit. The ramp is also a viewing point overlooking the Western grounds and renewed stew pond. The labyrinth garden shown on the current flyovers signifies a life's warren of passage representing life's struggle ( mainly financial in my case ) and emergence ( sale of land to pay off debt !) towards the ramp - final relied/release.
A carved carrera marble 2nd century Roman general's sarcophagus possibly arriving to place within the courtyard plus at least one Saxon stone example. The house was for a short while from 1520-1548 renamed Seton Howe. This signifies a reference to iron age or earlier barrows - burial ground. The house is haunted by its' own selection of noises representing crushing of gravel under hoof or carriage wheel. I often think a car has arrived to find nothing there.